Psychobiological Approach to Couples Therapy

7 Days to Better Fights

7 Days to Better Fights

One thing we know about relationships, is that all couples fight, but not all couples fight well. This blog was inspired by the 7 Days to Better Fights email series created by Dr. Stan Tatkin and the PACT institute. This post combines the exercises created in the email series and combines it with thoughtful quotes from Dr. Stan Tatkin, in order to help you strengthen your conflict resolution skills with your partner(s).

What does a "Foxhole" have to do with Couples Work?

Partners can be helped immensely by having an "owners manual" for each other and their relationship.

Does your relationship have one in place? 

Part of that "owners manual" or being an "expert on your partner" can be created by using the principles in the Couple Bubble by Dr. Stan Tatkin. 

It's like being in a "fox hole" together and having each others back consistently both privately and publicly.

Does your partner have YOUR back and YOU, theirs?

Are you struggling within your couple bubble❓


Maybe you two need help forming YOUR couple bubble❓

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