couple bubble

7 Days to Better Fights

7 Days to Better Fights

One thing we know about relationships, is that all couples fight, but not all couples fight well. This blog was inspired by the 7 Days to Better Fights email series created by Dr. Stan Tatkin and the PACT institute. This post combines the exercises created in the email series and combines it with thoughtful quotes from Dr. Stan Tatkin, in order to help you strengthen your conflict resolution skills with your partner(s).

Secure Functioning During COVID-19

Secure Functioning During COVID-19

This post explores how the global pandemic may be impacting three types of couples in particular; engaged couples facing uncertain wedding plans, couples with health anxieties, and couples who are feeling “burnt out” as parents. This post will also describe ways to promote secure functioning amidst this seemingly chaotic and uncertain time.

What Your Upbringing Says About Who You Are in Bed

Esther Perel asks.

As a Relationship Therapist - I ask.

📌Why is it that many women don’t seem to know what they want?

📌Where does the sense of being disconnected from your own body stem from?

📌How can it be so hard to talk about sex with our partners? 


As Perel explains, much of our adult sexuality, our current desires, the way we relate to others, how we perceive our self-worth—is the product of the way we were raised and the environment in which our sexuality developed.

Q&A with Esther Perel:

You’ve said that if you know how someone was raised, you can tell how they will be as a lover. Can you explain?

Consider a paradigm we’ve always known in modern psychology: Tell me how you are loved, and I’ll have a good idea of what may be some of your issues, your concerns, your worries, your aspirations, and how you love.

But this paradigm never got translated into: Tell me how you were loved and I will tell you how you MAKE love. How your emotional history is inscribed in the physicality of sex. How your body speaks a certain emotional biography.

For example, the question I often ask people is: How did you learn to love, and with whom? Were you allowed to want? Were you allowed to have needs growing up—or were you told, “What do you need that for?” Were you allowed to thrive? Were you allowed to experience pleasure—or was pleasure just a break between work sessions, a reward after a lot of effort? Were you allowed to cry—and were you allowed to cry out loud, or did you have to hide it? Were you allowed to laugh—out loud? Did you feel protected as a child by those who needed to protect you—or did you flee for protection? Did the people who were supposed to take care of you do so—or did you have to take care of your caregivers, becoming the parentified child

Interested in Reading More... 

Baltimore Area Adult Women:

Does post this resonate with you? Are you interested in exploring your own adult sexuality and how it shows up for you in your relationship?

If so, reach out - you don’t need to navigate these feelings & ideas - ALONE. 

Susan works with Type A’s ---> Creatives as they balance schedules, stress, and the modern challenges within coupleship. 

Susan works with Type A’s ---> Creatives as they balance schedules, stress, and the modern challenges within coupleship. 

Your relationship has changed with the years, and so has Valentine's Day (here's why that's totally ok!)

Your relationship has changed with the years, and so has Valentine's Day (here's why that's totally ok!)

The flowers, the cards, the hype, the expectations… As a culture, we’ve put so much pressure on February 14 and the particular - and even peculiar - ways this holiday celebrates love.


At the end of 2017, I invited you to sit with your partner and do a “Year in Review.” In that article, I quoted the legendary relationship therapist Esther Perel: 


Today, we turn to one person to provide what an entire village once did: a sense of grounding, meaning, and continuity. At the same time, we expect our committed relationships to be romantic as well as emotionally and sexually fulfilling. Is it any wonder that so many relationships crumble under the weight of it all?